Section 3

On the death of ʿAbd al-Rashid Khan and the length of his reign and his virtuous life

It is related that the Khan went to Hotan twice in the guise of a mendicant, and Mir Anwar and Mulla Muhammad went together with him on a third trip. The Sultan heard word of the Khan’s coming, and the nobility and the amirs of the country went out to greet him. The Khan lodged at the house of Sultan Quraysh. After a few days they went to the village of Jamadar to inspect the jade and remained there. It was there that he died.

During the reign of his father he had reigned for ten years in Aqsu and Moghulistan, and after his father he ruled as sultan with authority over Kashgar, Yangihissar, Yarkand, Aqsu, Hotan and Badakhshan for twenty seven years. He lived for fifty two years. His Highness ʿAbd al-Rahim Khan was born three months after the death of the Khan, and ʿAbd al-Karim Khan brought him up. Muhammad Barlas was hakim of Yarkand and Ahmad Barlas was hakim of Hotan. God knows best [as to the accuracy of this].